The Springwatch Photography Competition

The visible signs of spring are a fundamental part of our connection with the natural world, but sometimes we forget to look around us. The Springwatch Photography Competition aims to change this. Students from the fifth and sixth years of primary have armed themselves with cameras and have gone out looking for signs of the onset of spring.
Congratulations to everyone who took part in the competition! With over a hundred images to select from, choosing the winning photographs has not been an easy task, but we felt that the following images really captured the excitement of the vernal season.
In first place, we felt that this image by Irene Díaz (5º) of a woodland violet emerging from beneath a blanket of dead leaves best told the story of spring in a single image.
In joint second place we have these two explosions of blossoms captured by Miguel Rodríguez (6º) and Uxue Ortíz de Pinedo (5º).
Once again, congratulations to all who took part, and in keeping with the theme of spring, the winners will receive prizes consisting of that typically British Easter treat – Cadbury’s Creme Eggs.